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Musical Tastes, Juliana Alcalá Padilla April 2021

From the very first register of it, music has been a part of the development of human life. It is considered one of the oldest communication vehicles that it seeks to transmit different types of sensations that provoke different reactions on an emotional level through a series of rhythms with a certain sequence.

What does it mean to have a good taste in music?

It is assumed that having a good taste in music depends on the common tastes of the general population, what is heard the most on platforms such as radio, YouTube, Spotify, etc.

So, if I don't like the common thing, do I have bad taste in music?

Actually, the word "taste" tells us that what catches our attention must be our personal liking, not only in the musical field, but in any aspect of our lives, when making decisions we have to take this into account in order to feel comfortable.

How do I identify the type of music that you like?

  1. Try different genres of music.

  2. Look for the one that makes you transmit all kinds of emotions.

  3. Once the genre is defined, try to listen to music from different artists belonging to it.

As referenced above, music is classified by genres, of which there are a great variety of them. It is important to note that these are represented by different artists known nationally or internationally. Now, if we tried to define which is the best genre in the music industry, we would fall into a discussion of tastes where it would be almost impossible to reach an agreement, this would happen because each one of them have specific characteristics that make them differentiate from the others. To mention a few, we have the rhythmic sequence and the theme of which the song speaks. Although there are people who identify with a single musical genre, there are others who do not because they are more open and versatile in that sense, which causes them to feel appreciation or value music in a more general area.

It is also important to highlight the effect that music has on our way of dressing. Usually when we think of a person who likes Rock, we imagine someone wearing boots, a leather jacket, tattoos, etc. Or in reggae case, we can think of someone who wears dreadlocks in his hair and has a relaxed style, clearly these are only stereotypes that are not always going to be fulfilled.

"Music expresses everything that cannot be said in words and cannot remain silent" -Victor Hugo-

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