The solution to environmental pollution

What is slow fashion?
It is a growing trend in the fashion industry that tries to raise awareness of the terrible impact on the environment and the precarious working conditions in which most clothing is produced.
Why ecological clothing is important for the protection of the environment?
The textile industry is the second most polluting industry on the planet, second only to the oil industry. These data make us essential to make society aware of the problems of this industry and thus ensure that the environment is not polluted more than it is already polluted.

Types of ecological clothing
Bamboo: It is a very breathable fabric, very soft, and has a drape similar to silk. The growth cycle of bamboo is very fast and its cultivation does not require many resources or toxic substances.
Linen: It is a kind of fabric that collapsed due to the rise of industrial production in ancient times.
Organic cotton: It is a type of fabric where cotton is obtained from certified land free of toxic substances.
Recycled cotton: This fabric is one of the most environmentally friendly fabrics because it does not require new crops, so it can save a lot of energy and resources.

Advantages of buying organic clothing.
Reduces negative impact on the environment.
Promotes recycling and reuse. Its fabrics produce fewer allergies.
Promotes fair and responsible consumption.
Its quality is well above average.
Promotes respect for workers' labor rights.
The garments are made for greater durability.
Promotes local and ecological production.
They are more breathable garments.
I had heard about fast fashion a while ago and the damage it causes to the environment, but I had never been informed of a way to fix this, I didn’t even know that bamboo or organic cotton fabric existed! I found the article very interesting because it makes us aware that with our consumerism we support and finance the destruction of the planet, it is very interesting how it invites us to wear ecological clothing, proposing a viable solution to make a change in the world.
EXCELLENT WORK! The topic is very interesting to address since due to the moment the earth passes through it is necessary to look for ways with which to reduce environmental damage as much as possible, the textile industry is very common and due to this reason, it is very important to look for strategies with the environment to produce textiles and that in the future we can learn to fix our own clothes, adjusting it to our style with this we look for many alternatives to continue collaborating with the care of the planet and thus extend its life and repair.
Hello! I find your article very interesting. I think it is excellent that from a young age we are taught how to take care of the environment.
The fashion industry, as you say, is very harmful and affects not only the environment with the pollution produced but the big clothing brands such as Zara, H& M, etc., what they seek is to obtain more money, hence they hire people, mostly women, in countries like India and Bangladesh and those women are paid a pittance for long and strenuous hours of work. Slow fashion is a very good solution to this problem. Also, we need to reduce, reuse and at least recycle. Have a good day!
You did a great job, and I think this is a great initiative that we should all believe in because this will benefit us all and have a much healthier life..
Slow Fashion is a very interesting topic I think that is a current topic because this is the first time that I heard about this anti-pollution strategy also is a necessary anti-pollution strategy, the fashionist industry is the second-largest polluter in the world, Slow Fashion proposes a great way to reduce the pollution produces by this industry that may be very good for the planet but in the future because a lot of people unknow the topic.