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The Fourth of July, third and fourth grade, July 2021

What do they celebrate and why is this day so important for Americans? First of all, on July 4th, the Continental Congress formally...

The Importance of Patriotism. Preeschool, July 2021

For US it is very important to teach our students the valuo of love for your country, for your culture, for the animosity of being...

Here is a little bit of me, Mateo Ardila, 10A, July 2021

My name is Mateo David Ardila Malo, I was born on December 29, 2005 in Cartagena, Colombia. there I met my parents, who are Raomir Jose...

LITERALLY ME, Luis Alejandro Rios 10A, july 2021

Luis Alejandro Rios Martinez was born on August 28, 2005 in Barranquilla under the responsibility of a diverse family, since my parents...

My life, Moises Larios 10B. july 2021

My name is Moises Larios, I was born on august 12 of 2006, I live with my mother and sometimes with my brother, because he lives more in...

Who I am? Nikolle Fonseca - 10B - July 2021.

I’m Nikolle Fonseca, I was born in Bogotá-Colombia on October 27th and I’m 15 years old, so I’m a 05 line. Now, I live in Cartagena, so...

MY AUTOBIOGRAPHY, 2021- English Proyect - July

When we hear the word "autobiography" we usually think about very famous people and great influencers of history, but why don't we think...

Musical Tastes, Juliana Alcalá Padilla April 2021

From the very first register of it, music has been a part of the development of human life. It is considered one of the oldest...

Beauty Standards, Angela Herrera Alvarado Abril 2021

How beauty standards have changed and evolved throughout history auty standards can be defined as a set of qualities regarding the...

Slow Fashion, Shery A . Escudero Carmona Abril 2021

The solution to environmental pollution What is slow fashion? It is a growing trend in the fashion industry that tries to raise awareness...

WHY IS EGO THE ENEMY? Catalina Cárdenas Torres(2021)

-More knowledge, the less ego; the less knowledge, the more ego- Albert Einstein The ego is everywhere, everybody have a Little being...

Eco-friendly as a new lifestyle, Adriana Montoya, May 2021.

Over the decades, global pollution has increased exponentially, also affecting all living beings that inhabit it. For this reason, care...

Cheating in baseball, Ana Meza, May 2021

You may have heard of baseball, one of the most popular sports in the United States, but if you haven’t heard of it or you just don’t...

LEARN TO SAY “NO”, Mary Clara Viaña, May 2021.

It is common for us to find it difficult to put our will before the will of others with a simple NO in time. This difficulty, fear or...

The Power of Art, María José Castilla, May 2021

Art through time “Art and love are the same: it is the process of seeing yourself in things that are not you.”- Chuck Klosterman. You can...

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