Music is one of the most popular way to express opinions or show a message since the creation of the human specie, this is support by the idea of the ancient greeks who used the music like a form of expression of their ideas and their culture, this is shown to us with the poems and Epics they use to told stories about their heroes and gods,this idea transcended the time and evolved in a complex way, that means, different cultures change the main idea, but keeps the essential of it, like minstrels that had the same idea of singing songs about heroes, but they changed the way of thinking. We can said that music hasn’t change, they have evolved the way of carried it, the way we have it, I mean, Now, in this moment, If you want to hear some music, yo could go to for example on Spotify, or even in Youtube, whatever, but you understand the idea of it. Music is a fundamental method of expression in the current age, but what we’re going to explain is how music impacts society …

So …, music is a friend of the society, you have it next to you for example, when you’re doing exercise, while you read, there are so many cases in which we use music on our daily routine, but music has the possibility to change us with just one song, you could imagine what will causes a song against the government …, music had been used for so many things, since using it as a way of comunication until now, used even for express the desagree to a politic things, or maybe you just use it for fun, it depends of what you wanna hear. There's a case of a song called "God save the queen" from Sex Pistols, that with only reading a few lines of the song, you'll understand everything. Or Jimmy Hendrix who play the U.S.A anthem, without saying any word but telling a lot just with his sounds.

On the other hand, music is closely related to people's emotions and feelings, including health as well. With some experiments it has been said that musical notes are energy for people and can also work to relax. As it was studied, music strengthens many things at the health level and we must use it for that. For example, some studies have found that a specific musical rhythm can stimulate a specific area of the brain. Music also helps with learning and even better development of some hormones. So, it can be said that music could be a complement to the human being to cause good feelings and emotions.
Music is also the way we show the status of our society treating to express the things that we want for us, for that reason the music evolves with the time and is a way to express the interesting topics for people. The things the people used to do and think before aren’t the same that things that are interest to us in recent times, because the people and the trending topics evolved in different ways, also the likes are different and now the society is very different and the feelings the society want to express have changed, so the different music genres fulfill the function of give a representation of the feelings, ideas and ideologies. Giving us a great variety of musical genres which is summed up in many ways of expressing yourself from the music.
In conclusion, we can say the music is one of the closest method of expresion of the human species, because we have certain histories of it and everybody use it in one way or another in their daily life. Have you ever used music for express what you feel?
"Music is a friend of society" I liked that. It's true, through music we show our feelings, that's why people write songs, and for your question, yes, I have. I love music, it makes me feel comfortable and peaceful, I listen music while studying or taking a bath, when I feel happy I even dance, when I'm sad. Music makes people feel better most of the time, when I'm sleepy and then listen to music, it gives me energy and I get up, we feel identified with some kind of music, either because the story behind the song or for how do we want to feel. Good job.