-More knowledge, the less ego; the less knowledge, the more ego- Albert Einstein
The ego is everywhere, everybody have a Little being that make us believe that we are better tan others, giving us the power to critize. The only true thing about the ego is that it doesn´t take you anywhere, just take you away reality

Society feeds more and more our ego, even in the least it is present, and social medias are a clear example of this, people mount their photos showing their attributes or showing their achievements, to wait for approvals, compliments or congratulations and so feel good about themselves and thus increase the superiority that they feel. Neurolinguistics is linked to this topic, how? Easy, the mind makes that by repeating a statement you believe it little by little and consider it as true, and it is a good method for people who suffer depression or those who have self-esteem problems , but this sometimes is not in favor us.
For example, when a person undertakes a project or business and begins to talk about what he has achieved with it frequently, when he has a problem that is difficult, the person will give up the project because he will believe that he did everything possible when your effort has not been the best, so the band of the ego blinds you and doesn't let you see the truth and is that in reality those achievements or efforts were not good or surprising enough in which you can say that you killed to achieve your goal, then thanks to ego you are going to lose that goal that you planned for a long time, because you think you did your best when it was not like that.
In conclusion, the ego is the enemy because it makes you live in a lie, with the ego you get nowhere, that is why you have to learn to dominate it, so you don´t feel superior to others and that it does not destroy later your plans to be out of reality.