Whatis the illegal immigration?
It is the migratory movement of people across borders without attending to the legal requirements of the country to which they are going and sometimes also the country of origin. The person in this situation is an illegal immigrant who does not have papers, which are documents such as a residence permit or a work permit, illegal immigration has been a great problem in science for many years in the world. Many people do it for a better life and a better future, we know that this is not the best way because it is illegal but in many cases the family only thinks about improving and getting ahead, although it is true that people migrate in search of something better. job opportunities and a better life in general, we must also mention that immigration is accompanied by several phenomena such as insecurity, poverty, social inequality and all of them present problems for social welfare, so it requires immediate attention, countries like already that Spain, Germany, the United States, among others, are currently struggling with this problem. In addition to this, many people risk their lives just to seek a better future since their countries of origin do not offer them enough opportunities to have a quality of life, exposing themselves to rejection, xenophobia and many other factors that enter into this issue.

An example of one of the countries most affected by illegal immigration is the United States, where it is increasing every day. Throughout its history, the United States has been known to be a refuge for immigrants around the world. However, the daily increase in this has been worrying the inhabitants of the country today. One of the negative effects of this problem, despite its causes, is the economy; illegal immigrants also take away jobs for legal citizens. Illegal Immigration makes it a lot easier for illegal drugs to enter the country. According to the New York Times, the Treasury Department estimates drug trafficking to accumulate $ 64 billion each year. This problem also makes drug cartels a very real issue in cities near borders because those are riddled with it. However, illegal immigration is also a big contributor to issues like drug trade, other violent crimes previously said, higher taxes to pay for education, and higher taxes to deal with the issue of illegal immigration itself. While over time there has been much more enforcement against illegal immigration, it is an issue that affects several countries to this day and it will not end, at least for now.
Measurements in USA, Brazil and Italy
Immigration cases generally occur because people are unemployed, have no resources and go to other places to seek a better quality of life for themselves and their families. But this, as it is illegal, brings consequences to the places where these people enter the United States, for example, in 1924 the border patrol of the same country was created to prevent the smuggling of foreigners into the country and detect and prevent the entry of legal foreigners. , The measures implemented in Italy were that illegal immigration is a crime that can cause jail sentences for several years, Brazil also has a very rigorous system in its borders since being a country that has great bascosity on the part of the Amazon, many people enter with medicinal plants, with fruits that can harm citizens and the environment.
Inmigration of Venezuelans in Colombia
The immigration of Venezuelans in Colombia is a phenomenon that has existed since colonial times, and that has intensified in the 2010s due to the outbreak of the economic crisis in the Bolivarian country. This has caused an economic, social and political imbalance for Colombia, in addition the scarce job opportunities are fewer and insecurity has increased notoriously. This is a huge problem and there are currently more than 2.000.000 Venezuelans living in Colombia, making it the first country with the largest number of Venezuelans in the world.
Immigration in Spain
Another country that is facing a strong wave of illegal immigration is Spain, Spain has gone from being a country that generates emigration to being a recipient of migratory flows, in 2017 Spain had a percentage of 9.8%, a relatively low percentage compared to previous years, However, this percentage rose again notably from 2017 to 2020, reaching 11.4% of the Spanish population in 2020. As we well know, people who seek to migrate illegally to a country do so in order to have a better quality of life. , but this, even if it is good for the people who are involved in this process, brings serious consequences to the country to which they are migrating, consequences in all political, social and economic spheres that somehow generate a strong imbalance in the country. In Spain, most of the migrants come from Latin America, followed by immigrants from the Union and Europe, and finally those from North Africa, that is why the Spanish authorities led by the president of the vox party Santiago Abascal seek to tighten the borders by where these migrants are arriving the most, because it should be noted that 88% of the migrants who enter Spain do so by sea.

To conclude, we can say that immigration is a problem that has been affecting over time, mainly in the countries mentioned above but that it also occurs throughout the world, and what for some represents progress for others means big problems .