Luis Alejandro Rios Martinez was born on August 28, 2005 in Barranquilla under the responsibility of a diverse family, since my parents have different origins, being that my my grandparents on my father's side are from the center of the country and on the other hand my grandparents On my mother's side, they are from the "Colombian coast", so I have different ways of speaking depending on who I am with, my parents are Luis Orlando Rios Prada and Alejandra Lucia Martinez Suarez, my name was originally going to be Luis Angel ( it was an idea of my grandmother), but in the end my parents had the fantastic idea of combining their names, that's why my name is "Luis Alejandro".
I remember having a normal growth like the rest of the children, my first words were "pepa "Since in my grandmother's house there was a dog that had that name, the truth was I was not very aware of why it could not have been another word like" mommy "or" daddy "because I really was very angry at that dog, from pe I have not had a very deep fear of needles that is why every time they had to give me the vaccines they had to tie me up or hold on to the stretcher because I always tried to run away, I know it may give the impression that I was a very spoiled child but the The truth is that I have always been someone calm, in fact among my cousins and sister, I have always been the best behaved, maybe because of being the first grandson and nephew of the family it has given me a lot of attention and benefits (kappa)
The first garden I went to was called "La pulguita travieza" I think they were the happiest moments of my life, I studied with my first cousin Miguel Angel, we had the habit of simulating battles between cartoon network characters, I will not lie it was something too much fun, now it obviously isn't.
I have always liked sports, it is a pity that I am not especially good at any, except basketball I think I am very good at that sport, when I was 6 years old I practiced soccer in a sports school until an accident occurred, that day it was night and The power had gone out at school I couldn't find my dad, I was very desperate and scared, walking I ran into a metal chair with which I made my first scar, since then I have a peculiar line in the middle of my right eyebrow,
when I was 8 years old my father was hired in a company outside of Cartagena which made me very happy since my father is a hard-working man and happy doing what he does, he is an electrical and systems engineer, he also has a master in business administration, I am glad that so much study was being rewarded, that same year 2 things happened that would mark my life in a certain way, the birth of my sister and that I would move to another city, the truth was that I was very sad with that news, since I would leave too many things in my hometown, such as my family, friends and memories, I was sad for more than 3 months I did not feel like doing physical exercise or playing, the truth is that it affected me The change was too much, until I entered school again, I had the opportunity to enter a school where I met several of my current friends, it cost me to integrate but finally I managed to be happy.

Let's say that during the time I was in that school, nothing very important happened, for quality reasons my parents decided to change schools, the truth was that I did not care, finally I entered my current school, which is honestly the best in which I have been and will be to date, as I have had the opportunity to mature with my friends and teachers, I have had moments where I have felt on top of the world and in the depths of hell, I think that they normally call it home, the place where you grow as a person, where you learn, where you love, where you hate and where you know yourself.