For US it is very important to teach our students the valuo of love for your country, for your culture, for the animosity of being Colombian. Teacher Laura took her students for a trip where she was able to talk to them about our country.

In their Experience, they were able to find out about a lot of new words, those representative of their country's symbols. They learned about the flag, the colors it has and what do they represent, they also had a chance to wear those colors. Don’t we look good in yellow, blue and red?

Part of being in the school, should be living the culture of your country and here we created an example from which to teach our students the value of getting to know those elements that are a vital part of our country's legacy. Besides, our school is not just limited to repetition and working tasks, we try to offer our students experiences that will teach them both about the world that surrounds them and this beautiful language we are aiming to teach ENGLISH!.
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