What do they celebrate and why is this day so important for Americans?
First of all, on July 4th, the Continental Congress formally adopted the Declaration of Independence, which had been written largely by Jefferson. Though the vote for actual independence took place on July 2nd, from then on the 4th became the day that was celebrated as the birth of American independence. So, Americans celebrate an historical event which means for them something they really stand for: FREEDOM.

In our school, we believe learning comes from meaningful experiences, from having contact with those variations from culture to culture. This American celebration offered us a great opportunity to do that. Engaging students in experiences that are outside the class, in terms of dynamics and interactions offers them a great spot for learning.

Teacher José Carlos Pérez was able to convey a message of learning, creating a fun and interactive experience for the student, to use all their senses to learn. Encouraging the growth of a student's creativity is a main aspect of everything we implement in our class project. This time the fourth of July was used as a theme to reach that learning we were looking for.

As I have mentioned here, We in our school, La concepción, work in aims to teach our students not only English but the culture that comes with it. Experiences, meaningful interactions, fun and happiness are always part of our classes.

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HOLA MISTERS soy de ese colegio y soy wilmer de jesus gomez pelaez