Happiness, what is to be happy really?
By how the internet is going you will probably find a tutorial on how to be happy, its definition and even its characteristics, however, personally, I think I have a need to see more than a scientifically based definition to be happy.
But today happiness is based on acceptance, not all people are like that, but the vast majority, especially young people, I think that everything is connected, stereotypes, criticism, social networks, insecurities, we are not happy because the society shows us an image of perfection that not all of us can reach, which makes us want to have it. Not all of us have the obligation to see each other as society wants us to be seen or do what the world shows is perfect and correct. This issue the source of insecurity for many people because they think that what they like is wrong, just because it does not fit with stereotypes, such as: musical tastes, fashion, among others... I think few people are happy for themselves, and this is mainly medias fault and their inter for stablishing stereotypes. Happiness is not a concept, it is a sincere state of mind.
If you're not happy with you are and what you like, you'll never be.

It is very worrying as young people, both boys and girls, care from such an early age, about how to see themselves in society. how their are perceived by their parents also influences their self-esteem, like, most 15-year-old girls currently look in a mirror and hate themselves. They do, just because they don't look like a beauty pageant supermodel, and I’m saying that from my own experience, -my little sister is the clear example that stereotypes only cause problems-. in the other hand not everything can be called a stereotype, because it would be senseless, but something as essential as acceptance, which is quite an important part of personal growth. nobody teaches you about it, nobody tells us the reason why one should love himself.

I think that in the world you have very little time to spend worrying and even ending your life, just because you are not equal to someone "perfect", learning to love begins with yourself, maybe they heard that like 300 times, but it also applies to happiness, learning to be happy with what you have is key to the perception you have of yourself and, if for any reason you want to change something, let it be because you like it, not because you saw it in an Instagram post or a Tik Tok video, it is also important to talk to other about how you feel. maybe they can help you understand how valuable you are, or how beautiful you face is, how nice your voice is to hear, how good that skirt looks on you...
it is all a matter of perception, learn to love yourself.
You give a valuable teaching through your text. For me the most important thing is that you can do is accept the way you are, your body and all that you are. Be yourself without noticing what others will say. We see this type of stereotypes as a way forward for other to accept you, but what matters is that stereotype is an illusion and you might not be another person or the example that the advertising shows Instead of doing what others want you to be. Choose what you want to be or feel good with yourself.