Leonardo Da Vinci has been one of the greatest minds in this world, we are talking of the man that created the prototype of a helicopter more than 400 years before the first actual helicopter was on the air, that designed the firsts war vehicles, armored cars, war boats, even a flying machine (imagine a glider with a cannon). Even though he was mainly a painter he made advances in every way of science: math, biology, engineering, architecture, music and more. But what if I tell you that his art was way more than a smiley woman and Jesus Christ having his Last Dinner?
Who was this guy?
None of us can deny that Da Vinci was a master at almost every way of art, but for painting he was just different, not only on the type of art or his style. The thing about his art was the perfeccion, take a look at the Vitruvian Man. The draw with the ideal sizes for a human, turns out that, there’s no way to know these sizes without thinking like Da Vinci would have because if you look closely at the text over and under the arms and legs open you’ll realize that is backwards or inverse to be more specific. This is just for you to see how deep can the things go when talking about this artist.
Going a bit on to dark mode

Now, just using a mirror to read two tiny paragraphs is easy right?. Well let’s heat things up, as I said before, Leonardo’s main characteristic is symmetry and precision, he didn't do anything by accident, every single line and draw he did was on purpose and had a right spot to be, and sometimes the, let’s say, “coincidences” can be very impressive. If you look at his self portrait, you’ll notice a certain angle on his look and the way his face is pointing to, but if you reflect it and then overlap it, you’ll see Leonardo looking directly at you. Things like these can be found in a lot of Da Vinci’s work and they have created several theories. In the Mona Lisa, if we do the same process, a semi-humanoid head can be seen, many people have assumed this as an alien or reptilian reference, but it’s not like we can go and ask Leonardo the meaning of that, the point is that it is there. Speaking of theories related to the smiley woman, there is one that combines the 2 works that I’ve talked about. It states that Leonardo and the Mona Lisa are the same person, overlapping one more time you can see the way these two “pieces” match almost perfectly, the imperfection is on the expression of the faces and even though that are very different emotions, they are not “forced” to combine. And last but not least, the work that has created the most dark theories and even distrust on different communities around the world. Saint John Baptist, the sitten man with a large cross on his arm, even without doing anything you can already see some interesting details if you know where to look, repeating the same editing one more time, to see a 4 arms and 4 legs man with curly hair. Sounds like someone that we have seen before right?. Now you’re probably thinking: “What’s dark about that?” Well, mainly nothing, but as I said, we need to know where to look, if you do a little research you’ll get two main results. First, “Behemoth”, and before you say anything I'll clarify this, Behemoth is not a demon, it was firstly a pagan god, as it shared name with a biblical beast and t’s image was use in a lot of rituals, it got mixed but it is god of knowledge, and as the second result, you’ll find Kali, in hinduism, the goddess of destruction, and mainly, destruction of evil.
Why is this useful?
Having all that said, there’s a lot of Da Vinci’s work we don´t know, and I only spoke about painting, just imagine the rest of aspects: writing, architecture, music and the rest. Leonardo Da Vinci did a lot of secret messages, references and advances that need to be investigated and, if possible, taken into account for our current society. Who knows? Maybe he discovered the cure to cancer and we don't have it because we haven't tried to read the formula through a mirror.