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The Art Of Learning To Fight To Never Do It, Moises Alfonso Larios Torres April 2021.


Point of view of a taekwondo fighter

Martial arts have been considered by many cultures and people as a way to learn to destroy others or do harm, but this is very far from reality, martial arts according to the oriental culture which is is where they originate, they were made to learn to defend themselves with their own body, now why are these considered a lifestyle?. Each martial art is different, but they all have something in common, respect for others, discipline and something very important, self-control. As a taekwondo (martial art) practitioner, I can say that it is a different discipline from any other sport, starting with the belts of each grade, since the higher the belt you are, you must be respected by other person, therefore you must also be a guide for others who have not yet reached the level where you are at. Personally, I spend more time in taekwondo than being with my friends, because it is something that needs dedication. .


When I refer to a lifestyle, it is not only practicing this sport, it is living based on the foundations of this discipline and applying the principles of this sport in your daily life, as i said at the beginning, an aspect that this art has is self-control. How many times in an argument do we lower our tone to defuse the situation? And how many times have we raised a hand to a person for the simple fact of not knowing how to handle a situation? Self-control is about this, as its name says, controlling emotions so that something does not happen to adults

Now, many people who practice martial arts put themselves above others for the simple fact of knowing how to hit, but these people are not basing the principles of this sport in their lives, they are not people who love this, they just want to pretend to be more than others and that is not about. Based again on taekwondo, its bases come from the 5 fundamental principles, courtesy, integrity, perseverance, self-control and indomitable spirit, are extracted from five commandments of the Hwarang, which was an elite group of ancient youth from the kingdom of Korea. And these 5 principles are associated with a peaceful society that is founded on rationality. For me it is a sport that children should attend, since it instills in them values that are important for the development of their character

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