"Depending on the person you love is a way of burying life, an act of psychological selfmutilation where self-love, self-respect and the essence of oneself are irrationally offered and given away" Walter Riso

Human beings are social beings and as such, we tend to interact with people to establish links with others. Among all the connections that people can have couple relationships are the most important to us, they are the ones that they can give us or take away at the same time depending on whether they work correctly or not. Many times, unfortunately, these relationships are not as we expect and we realize this, but if we know that they are not right, why are we still there? Are these necessary to be happy?
Being alone is fine!
In the life no one teaches us anything about relationships when we are growing up and this should be a required subject. First, as most important they should teach how to love ourselves, how to feel good being alone, so that, after talking about having a love relationship with another person, when talking about this, they should talk about the limits that can allow the love. Many people do not even know what they want for their life, they do not know what to do in the future, many of these, are disoriented in the world and being badly alone, they look for a person to "complement" them, so that they " lead ”creating false illusions not only damaging their lives, but disorderly the life of the other person. There are also people who are already in a relationship and know that the relationship is not like before and they are still there waiting for it to improve and with this they only make their relationship deteriorate little by little. Sometimes we are aware of it and we are clear about the reason for our unhappiness, but other times we are not. Sometimes we are aware of it and we are clear about the reason for our unhappiness, but other times we are not. What usually happens is that we feel bad and we do not know how to identify what is really going wrong. We are victims of inappropriate love relationships and we do not realize or know what to do. In these people, there is the fear of being alone, not knowing how to give a direction to their life, they feel incompetent if they are not with their partner, that is why they do not let go, that they are still there feeling unhappy, but "safe" because they are not alone.
Your happiness only depends on you! Don't depend on anyone to be happy
When forming a couple we make it influence us, which causes our actions to change. This influence brings with it a low self-esteem, when this happens, we must go immediately to work on ourselves. Unfortunately, society does not do it because it seeks to feel a false happiness to fill itself, we always seek to stay to wait for that change and when we do so we suffer ourselves, loving does not mean suffering, and that which seems so obvious most of us forget too easily. We think that we need that other person for us to be happy, we believe that since the other person is happy, we will be, which is a total lie. We don't need anyone to be happy and nobody's happiness is going to be ours, the only thing you need to be able to be happy is to feel comfortable to feel at peace not in a place where you expect a change, you do not need to depend on that change or on that person to feel happiness. Feel happiness for yourself, for your goals, your work, for your life, many forget that first we must be us, love ourselves, be happy us and after this, start sharing all these feelings with someone else, to thus cheer him up and have a healthy and lasting relationship.

Finally, we must start from the basis that alone we are good alone we can be happy, we must take care of ourselves, have fun and take care of ourselves without having to need someone else. If we are good alone and we choose another person to share our life and we go from being good to being bad, there is no sense that we extend the relationship. And if we choose another because we feel that we cannot relate to ourselves, then it is very likely that we will start to feel bad and that in most cases we will generate an affective dependence.